"Is there a gentle lion?"
I chose this book because this book's picture is cute.This story is a lion is grew by a dog.This lion called "tremble" by the dog.Just think lion tremble,I think it is funny.Because A lion's image is very very scare. This lion is gentle lion.So tremble,I am timid person or so tremble,I am similar with this lion's tremble boy.This lion loves his mother.His mother's name is Tubby.Tubby means big dog.His mother is fat and big.His mother taught him many kind of lullaby and also many kind of manner.I found that dog is kind animals.But,one day,the lion's tremble taken away circus.I think lion is hate because he must separate with his mother.I hate separate my mother.I want to stay with my mother. The lion grew big very fast,the lion didn't forget his mother.He is always thinking his mother.He still thinking with his mother.There is human who is grew by wolves.Besides this book,I amazed that there is lion which is grew by a dog.One day,the lion's tremble jumped out of case.The lion dashed to meet his mother.The lion ran up to the hill.And then,the lion killed by captain police.The lion's tremble is killed by gun.I think very very terrible thing such as things.But,captain police didn't know that tremble of lion which are very gentle lion.This story came to a tragic end.I think this story's impression part is in the end,people see lion fly with his back on dog by the hill.I was impression by it.Perhaps this,this book want to say,a noce person don't go hell.A nice person go to heaven such as gentle lion's termble.I found that the lion didn't remained image such as lion.
Takashi Yanase,The Gentle Lion・R.I.C.PUBLICATIONS
279 words
I didn't know this book. It sounds interesting!