Sunday, January 30, 2011
My blog Stats
reading 4
report 4
Essay prep 5
book review 3
diary 5
recipe 2
project 1
juppun ha juubun 1
gofun ha juubun 1
Total 28
Total words 10049
About my sister
103 words
BR-20 The Gentle lion

My favorite magazine
81 words
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fall term's reflection
196 words
Friday, January 14, 2011
129 words
BR-19 The Tiger Who Came to Tea

I chose this book because this book's picture is cute.When a girl and a girl's mother doing tea time,suddenly tiger came to them.And tiger said "Let's do tea party with me."Tiger drank tea and teapot.Tiger drank milk,tiger ate cookie and cake.Tiger ate everything which there are in her home.He ate refligerator's foods and in box's foods.And I amazed tiger drank all tank's water.Because a girl couldn't enter the buthtab.I think tiger ate a girl and girl's mother for the first time.I think this book's story is dream story.Because human did tea party with a tiger.I have a one dog.Her name is Sarry.Sarry often eat home's foods too.She is good to eat.Recent my foods was eaten by Sarry.I think tiger will be sick because tiger ate home's foods also dishes and teapot and many can.Sarry eat anything such as can't eat thing.This book's tiger will be sick.And tiger will be dye.This book is interesting for me.I was happy when someone will come to my home.I love sarry when her sleep.I can't hate tiger because tiger as animal are cute.Animal is cute.I sometimes gave domestic to sarry but dog have heart as human's heart.I think that is bad.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My mother's birthday
126 words
About Christmas
133 words
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A coming-of-age ceremony
133 words
My homepage

104 words
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
How to make bavarois
Bounds of a diameter of 15cm with one ring type for two pudding types only a pudding type for about 8
An egg yolk For two
Granulated sugar 60g
Milk 200cc
Gelatine 10g
Water to dissolve gelatine in Tablespoon 3
Fresh cream 200cc
Vanilla essence Several drops
A source[For preference]
Jam Tablespoon3
Water Tablespoon3
How to make bavarois
A preliminary arrangement
The gelatine as well as the water of the quantity I soak it.
1.To milk I soaked it I add gelatine I put it on the fire,and warm up I dissolve gelatine.
*The gelatine when I heat too much because it is hard to come to harden if I melt immediately I take you off fire.
2.To an egg yolk granulated sugar in addition till I become whitish I can bubble.
3.With one milk vanilla essence I add it.
4.I strain it.
5.A ball I hit the iced water it is just that I am mushy while mixing it I cool it.
6.Fresh cream lightly the degree that it creates hard feelings I can bubble.
7.With 5 fresh cream I mix it with.
Bavarois cloth
8.In a model I drain it,and there can be it with a refrigerator around 2 hours I cool it I harden it.
*A model I am rather hot to hot water several seconds can arrive bavarois a little I dissolve it from a model I take it off.
*Jam and water mix it with a source I am made to bavarois I attach it.
226 words
How to make mil crepe
Crepe......Pancake mixture 200g
Egg L3units
Milk 500cc
Butter or Margarine 40g
Cream to sandwich between.....Custard cream An egg yolk 4units
Whip cream 200cc
How to make mil crepe
1.For pancake mixture mix a beaten egg and milk I filter it through a colander once.
2.I add melted butter.
3.To a frying pan of the Teflon processing paint with oil I bake several pieces crepe.
4.While I cool the crepe which I baked the making of cream length can come to the boil with fresh cream for six minutes and I match it with custard cream.
5.I put crepe and cream on several levels it is preference on the way I OK it even if I add the fruit.If it is all over I cool it with a refrigerator for 3-5 hours.
*An art point
The oil of the frying pan when I bake crepe let salad oil soak into cooking paper you should live on a feeling wiping a frying pan.
When it is this quantity quite slightly bigger crepe I am burnt much.When I want to make it into small pieces please reduce materials by preference.
174 words
Monday, January 3, 2011
About my family
180 words
New Year
67 words
New Year dishes

An American mark New Year holidays cooking
Dinner Southern U.S.mark a mascot
*Black Eyed Pea's a dish simmered in soup
How to make.....1.It boiled to hot water black eyed pea I add it round and round a bean dances it is done by heat,hot water if it decreases bad water soaking into a well I add it.This how many times when it repeats itself a bean it is fluffy.
2.Once a bean to a colander can have free it in a pan I pour water a bean,multilayer in addition I boil it.On the top a bubble if I begin to appear I am letting you boil a paper towel on the top I do a last joke lid I am stronger by medium fire from 45 minutes to 1 hour I boil it.
3.From fire lowering water I add it.A hand it is put temperature if I am similar and become it a bean I put it up to a colander.In a pan put sugar of the pan a one-third I pour water sugar I boil it and dissolve it.Here put a bean once if it boils I stop fire just till it cools down I put it.
How to make......1.To an earthenware mortar grain sesame put I do a fault to saw it in that a laurier I tear it off,and can enter the red pepper a kind remove it kitchen scissors make it small I add salt.Dill seed celery I can enter the case here may enter.
2.To here the thing which I mixed I add water well mix it salt I dissolve it.In this of the spice seasoning liquid.It was completed.
3.Neatly I washed it a cabbage 5mm width a lot it cuts it.
4.Of the spice seasoning liquid I cut it into chunks to a cabbage in addition in liquid lightly I rub it.
5.Put it in a container.Let's do a weight.
6.I half day -approximately 1 day to the surface of the cabbage I appeared water goes up.The surface do not touch the air I cover it in a lap well I do the weight which is lighter than the first weight.
7.Afterward I wait for fermentation.Of around 20 degrees at room temperature 5-7 days at around 25 degrees when I put it on around 3rd fermentation advances acidity comes out.Because I become ready to be eaten afterwards with refrigerators I will let you mature.With a refrigerator of approximately 2 weeks a save is possible.
8.When I eat after squeezing it well let's use it.
*BBQ sausage
*There is not meat jambalaya
*Cabbage celery's Collard greens
1.At first it cuts a cooking ingredient.The sausage to a slice to a cock thigh mouthful size as for the onion,is rather coarse;mince it finely.It is olive oil to a hot plate I add a cumin seed,and it is missing by a low fire it is roasting till a fragrance is made if a fragrance is made a cooking ingredient and the mixture vegetable which it cut in addition,I make it high flame and fry lowering garlic.
2.If degree fire in 1 carries I add it while smashing a hall tomato by hand.
3.I stew it for approximately 5 minutes while sometimes stirring it.I add seasoning,rice,water to there and mix the whole with.
4.If 3 boils,I make it a low fire and close the cap I boil it for 18-20 minutes and cook it.If I open a cover,and water seems to be left furthermore,I close the cap for one or two minutes and am lacking in a low fire.Open a cover again if water seems to be still left,I open a cover this time and make it high flame,and let's transfer water.At this chance will be careful so that a bottom does not become irrecoverable.
5.If water splashed,I stop fire and close the cap I stir the whole after steaming it for approximately 5 minutes.
6.I serve cooked jambalaya to the container of each person,if it shows a parsley in the last finish,it is completion.I cooked it with the hot plate which swelled in home party this time I perform procedure 2 by a frying pan I can make it afterwards even if I put it in a rice cooker and cook it.
*Eggnog ice cream
*Guava tea
*I let you boil it
*Red and White kamaboko
*A rolled omelet
*Mashed sweet potatoes containing sweetend chestnuts
*A sea tangle roll
* Namasu
*A lotus root
*A black soybean
713 words